Enum xml::writer::events::XmlEvent [−][src]
pub enum XmlEvent<'a> {
StartDocument {
version: XmlVersion,
encoding: Option<&'a str>,
standalone: Option<bool>,
ProcessingInstruction {
name: &'a str,
data: Option<&'a str>,
StartElement {
name: Name<'a>,
attributes: Cow<'a, [Attribute<'a>]>,
namespace: Cow<'a, Namespace>,
EndElement {
name: Option<Name<'a>>,
CData(&'a str),
Comment(&'a str),
Characters(&'a str),
Expand description
A part of an XML output stream.
Objects of this enum are consumed by EventWriter
. They correspond to different parts of
an XML document.
version: XmlVersion
XML version.
Defaults to XmlVersion::Version10
Corresponds to XML document declaration.
This event should always be written before any other event. If it is not written at all, a default XML declaration will be outputted if the corresponding option is set in the configuration. Otherwise an error will be returned.
name: &'a str
Processing instruction target.
Denotes an XML processing instruction.
name: Name<'a>
Qualified name of the element.
Denotes a beginning of an XML element.
Denotes an end of an XML element.
CData(&'a str)
Tuple Fields
0: &'a str
Denotes CDATA content.
This event contains unparsed data, and no escaping will be performed when writing it to the output stream.
Comment(&'a str)
Tuple Fields
0: &'a str
Denotes a comment.
The string will be checked for invalid sequences and error will be returned by the write operation
Characters(&'a str)
Tuple Fields
0: &'a str
Denotes character data outside of tags.
Contents of this event will be escaped if perform_escaping
option is enabled,
that is, every character invalid for PCDATA will appear as a character entity.
Returns an writer event for a processing instruction.
Returns a builder for a starting element.
This builder can then be used to tweak attributes and namespace starting at this element.
Returns a builder for an closing element.
This method, unline start_element()
, does not accept a name because by default
the writer is able to determine it automatically. However, when this functionality
is disabled, it is possible to specify the name with name()
method on the builder.
Returns a CDATA event.
Naturally, the provided string won’t be escaped, except for closing CDATA token ]]>
(depending on the configuration).
Returns a regular characters (PCDATA) event.
All offending symbols, in particular, &
and <
, will be escaped by the writer.
Trait Implementations
Performs the conversion.
Performs the conversion.