Enum wayland_protocols::unstable::text_input::v1::client::zwp_text_input_v1::Event [−][src]
pub enum Event {
Show 13 variants
Enter {
surface: WlSurface,
ModifiersMap {
map: Vec<u8>,
InputPanelState {
state: u32,
PreeditString {
serial: u32,
text: String,
commit: String,
PreeditStyling {
index: u32,
length: u32,
style: u32,
PreeditCursor {
index: i32,
CommitString {
serial: u32,
text: String,
CursorPosition {
index: i32,
anchor: i32,
DeleteSurroundingText {
index: i32,
length: u32,
Keysym {
serial: u32,
time: u32,
sym: u32,
state: u32,
modifiers: u32,
Language {
serial: u32,
language: String,
TextDirection {
serial: u32,
direction: u32,
Variants (Non-exhaustive)
This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
surface: WlSurface
enter event
Notify the text_input object when it received focus. Typically in response to an activate request.
leave event
Notify the text_input object when it lost focus. Either in response to a deactivate request or when the assigned surface lost focus or was destroyed.
modifiers map
Transfer an array of 0-terminated modifier names. The position in the array is the index of the modifier as used in the modifiers bitmask in the keysym event.
state: u32
state of the input panel
Notify when the visibility state of the input panel changed.
Notify when a new composing text (pre-edit) should be set around the current cursor position. Any previously set composing text should be removed.
The commit text can be used to replace the preedit text on reset (for example on unfocus).
The text input should also handle all preedit_style and preedit_cursor events occurring directly before preedit_string.
pre-edit styling
Sets styling information on composing text. The style is applied for length bytes from index relative to the beginning of the composing text (as byte offset). Multiple styles can be applied to a composing text by sending multiple preedit_styling events.
This event is handled as part of a following preedit_string event.
index: i32
pre-edit cursor
Sets the cursor position inside the composing text (as byte offset) relative to the start of the composing text. When index is a negative number no cursor is shown.
This event is handled as part of a following preedit_string event.
Notify when text should be inserted into the editor widget. The text to commit could be either just a single character after a key press or the result of some composing (pre-edit). It could also be an empty text when some text should be removed (see delete_surrounding_text) or when the input cursor should be moved (see cursor_position).
Any previously set composing text should be removed.
set cursor to new position
Notify when the cursor or anchor position should be modified.
This event should be handled as part of a following commit_string event.
delete surrounding text
Notify when the text around the current cursor position should be deleted.
Index is relative to the current cursor (in bytes). Length is the length of deleted text (in bytes).
This event should be handled as part of a following commit_string event.
Notify when a key event was sent. Key events should not be used for normal text input operations, which should be done with commit_string, delete_surrounding_text, etc. The key event follows the wl_keyboard key event convention. Sym is an XKB keysym, state a wl_keyboard key_state. Modifiers are a mask for effective modifiers (where the modifier indices are set by the modifiers_map event)
Sets the language of the input text. The “language” argument is an RFC-3066 format language tag.
text direction
Sets the text direction of input text.
It is mainly needed for showing an input cursor on the correct side of the editor when there is no input done yet and making sure neutral direction text is laid out properly.
Trait Implementations
Wire representation of this MessageGroup
The wrapper type for ObjectMap allowing the mapping of Object and NewId arguments to the object map during parsing. Read more
Whether this message is a destructor Read more
Retrieve the child Object
associated with this message if any
Construct a message from its raw representation
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument
) -> Result<Event, ()>
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument
) -> Result<Event, ()>
Construct a message of this group from its C representation Read more
Build a C representation of this message Read more