Enum wayland_protocols::unstable::tablet::v2::client::zwp_tablet_pad_strip_v2::Event [−][src]
pub enum Event {
Source {
source: Source,
Position {
position: u32,
Frame {
time: u32,
Variants (Non-exhaustive)
This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
source: Source
strip event source
Source information for strip events.
This event does not occur on its own. It is sent before a wp_tablet_pad_strip.frame event and carries the source information for all events within that frame.
The source specifies how this event was generated. If the source is wp_tablet_pad_strip.source.finger, a wp_tablet_pad_strip.stop event will be sent when the user lifts their finger off the device.
This event is optional. If the source is unknown for an interaction, no event is sent.
position: u32
position changed
Sent whenever the position on a strip changes.
The position is normalized to a range of [0, 65535], the 0-value represents the top-most and/or left-most position of the strip in the pad’s current rotation.
interaction stopped
Stop notification for strip events.
For some wp_tablet_pad_strip.source types, a wp_tablet_pad_strip.stop event is sent to notify a client that the interaction with the strip has terminated. This enables the client to implement kinetic scrolling. See the wp_tablet_pad_strip.source documentation for information on when this event may be generated.
Any wp_tablet_pad_strip.position events with the same source after this event should be considered as the start of a new interaction.
time: u32
end of a strip event sequence
Indicates the end of a set of events that represent one logical hardware strip event. A client is expected to accumulate the data in all events within the frame before proceeding.
All wp_tablet_pad_strip events before a wp_tablet_pad_strip.frame event belong logically together. For example, on termination of a finger interaction on a strip the compositor will send a wp_tablet_pad_strip.source event, a wp_tablet_pad_strip.stop event and a wp_tablet_pad_strip.frame event.
A wp_tablet_pad_strip.frame event is sent for every logical event group, even if the group only contains a single wp_tablet_pad_strip event. Specifically, a client may get a sequence: position, frame, position, frame, etc.
Trait Implementations
Wire representation of this MessageGroup
The wrapper type for ObjectMap allowing the mapping of Object and NewId arguments to the object map during parsing. Read more
Whether this message is a destructor Read more
Retrieve the child Object
associated with this message if any
Construct a message from its raw representation
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument
) -> Result<Event, ()>
unsafe fn from_raw_c(
obj: *mut c_void,
opcode: u32,
args: *const wl_argument
) -> Result<Event, ()>
Construct a message of this group from its C representation Read more
Build a C representation of this message Read more