Module three_d::renderer::material[][src]

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Contain a collection of common materials to apply to some geometry, for example a Model. It is possible to create a custom material by extending the Material trait.


A CPU-side version of a material. Can be constructed manually or loaded via io.

Represents a color composed of a red, green and blue component. In addition, the alpha value determines the how transparent the color is (0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque).

A material that renders a Shadable object in a color defined by multiplying a color with an optional texture and optional per vertex colors. This material is not affected by lights.

The deferred part of a physically-based material that renders a Shadable object in an approximate correct physical manner based on Physically Based Rendering (PBR). Must be used together with a DeferredPipeline. This material is affected by lights.

A physically-based material that renders a Shadable object in an approximate correct physical manner based on Physically Based Rendering (PBR). This material is affected by lights.


Represents a material that can be applied to a Shadable object.