Macro smithay_client_toolkit::environment[][src]

macro_rules! environment {
    ($env_name : ident, singles = [$($sty : ty => $sname : ident), * $(,) ?],
 multis = [$($mty : ty => $mname : ident), * $(,) ?] $(,) ?) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro for declaring an environment

It needs to be used in conjunction with a a struct you declared, which will serve as the inner environment and hold the handlers for your globals.

The macro is invoked as such:

struct MyEnv {
    compositor: SimpleGlobal<WlCompositor>,
    subcompositor: SimpleGlobal<WlSubcompositor>,
    outputs: OutputHandler

    singles = [
        WlCompositor => compositor,
        WlSubcompositor => subcompositor,
    multis = [
        WlOutput => outputs,

This will define how your MyEnv struct is able to manage the WlCompositor, WlSubcompositor and WlOutput globals. For each global, you need to provide a pattern $type => $name where:

  • $type is the type (implementing the Interface trait from wayland-client) representing a global
  • $name is the name of the field of MyEnv that is in charge of managing this global, implementing the appropriate GlobalHandler or MultiGlobalHandler trait

It is possible to route several globals to the same field as long as it implements all the appropriate traits.